Originally Posted by Zeraph
I guess agree to disagree. Because modifying a nerfgun into a weapon = awesome and not dorky at all.
What's the dorky part of SCA? Let's break it down. Is it the costumes and historical background? And the small bit of acting? Well then I guess movie stars are huge freaking dorks making millions of dollars.
Is it the fighting? Has martial arts and strategy suddenly become dorky? I didn't get that memo. Poor Bruce Lee, never knew he was a huge dork. Such a big dork he invented his own method and became famous.
Zeraph... you are grasping at straws for your defense of the SCA. When a group of 30+ people dress up in "period" clothes (I use that term loosely because of wanna be pirates and overweight chainmail chicks), pretend to be a 15th century irish pirate named "Captain Flemmish of Wales", hit each other with swords made out of duct taped rattan sticks (or light fighting with fencing foils and bucklers made out of road signs), and have a hierarchy of people who are "King/Queen/Duke/Knights" who's day jobs are managing a kinko's.... that shit is really fucking geeky.
I really like the SCA, it's fun, you get to be someone else for a weekend and pretend to be knights of the realm while drinking and camping. It's awesome, but incredibly geeky. Don't fight it Zeraph, just realize you are a big fucking geek for doing this. There's no other way around it. I'll defend the right to dress up in tunics and go play knights in the woods for a weekend, but I'm not trying to fight about how dorky it is. 'Cause it's one of the geekiest things you can do.
Embrace the geekhood, it's almost more mainstream as it once was.
At least you arn't LARPing.
Yeah, I'm trying to do this in the workplace at the back of my house, I don't have the money to invest in materials that wouldn't be able to be worked at a weekend warrior level. Like to keep this in the realm of pet project.
I've thought about designs like this, something simple like brigandine armor.
This is what I have in mind, but instead of hard plastic, use steel with leather backings. Same style.