Originally Posted by dogzilla
So in a couple of centuries worth of unionizing the "history of violence" is a murder and a broken wrist?
The fact is that there is really no comparison between the "violence" employed by unions and the use violence by the national guard and militias to bust unions. There is a reason why many of the cases of union busting have "massacre" in the name.
---------- Post added at 07:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:42 PM ----------
By the way, let's be clear here. This isn't about the importance of balancing a budget, this isn't about whether unions have problems or not, this isn't about big government vs small government.
It is about union busting and ideology. The budget shortfall didn't exist until the passing of further tax cuts, and the law isn't about just trimming back benefits or reducing spending. It is about making it illegal to bargain on benefits or to ever request a wage increase above inflation.
Let's stop trying to dress this bullshit up as some sort of libertarian small government deal. This government passed very targeted tax cuts and in order to pay for them they are not only changing benefits and all that, but also reducing workers rights. No matter what your view of unions is, there is no other way to describe this as something other than taking away the rights of some people. Oh, but the unions that endorsed Walker are exempt of all of this.