Originally Posted by Cimarron29414
Wisconsin has a constitutional amendment preventing unbalanced budgets. I believe that is why your suggestion of borrowing to cover the shortfall is not possible.
They should take a lesson from Minnesota and use complicated accounting tricks to pass the deficit a few years down the road *cough* Pawlenty *cough*.
Word on the street is that WI had a surplus until the current Gov came into office and started working his magic.
dk, all I'm saying is that if an organization with the motivations of a business was suddenly placed in a situation where it had all the power of the government, the situation would end very badly and debt would be the least of our problems (and would likely remain a problem given the capacity of the government to accumulate debt without consequence).
I understand the sentiment behind the idea that the government should be run like a business, however, I think it's an idea that falls apart when subject to any amount of scrutiny.