Dude, you are not thinking rationally.
First off, you have absolutely no right to attack him. None. The alter-ego statute of self-defense only applies if the person (your sister) has a right to self defense. She left the situation days ago. She is not in imminent danger of physical injury (right now) so you are SOL. If you were helping her move and he attacked her, you could defend her. That's it.
This is a matter for the police. She needs to file a report.
If you attack him in his home, and are a relative of a person evacuating his home, you will be charged with criminal domestic violence. This will mean they will take your guns and you will never be allowed to own one again.
Get your head on straight, man. This little fantasy you are playing out in this thread will ruin your life.
Gives a man a halo, does mead.
"Here lies The_Jazz: Killed by an ambitious, sparkly, pink butterfly."