Originally Posted by mixedmedia
I don't like that snapping business, either. I don't feel any particular attraction to a soft-spoken man, but people (male or female) who are so impatient that they go around being snippy and rude a lot of the time really bother me. Particularly when they are evidencing it with servers and store clerks and the like. Makes me want to crawl under the table.
I don't know if this is the same kind of stuff you are referring to...sorry to wander around on your thread, lol.
You don't sound like you need analysis to me.
This is what I'm referring to. Don't know if I'm enough well-mannered myself, but my husband is even less. We met young and I found him being outspoken quite funny at times, but then I realized, he is not growing out of it.
He has learned to watch his tongue a little bit, but I find it very frustrating that we can't discuss things, unless they are about something very concrete, that concern something what he can relate to.
So in many occasions, I don't even start on topic, because I know the pattern of the conversation already. If he has no interest on topic, he either has no opinion, but he will just say the opposite to what I say, or he just kills the conversation by saying, he knows nothing of this. Meaning he's not even interested to hearing my thoughts.
If I start talking about what could be done around the house, he immeditely assumes, he will have to start working on it right away, gets snappy and says he's too busy to think about it now. Some time goes by, he suddenly starts on the project, gets on with it and if the outcome is not exactly what I pictured it to be, he says, but this was what you wanted, when the plans were not thoroughly discussed in the first place.
Well, we do talk about things, but generally it's like I have to think of suitable topics to talk about. It becomes to narrowing the options rather than expanding.
I'm probably not a good listener myself, but I can often quit in the middle of a sentence and he notices nothing. I find myself being in my own thoughts mostly.
He works hard and does a lot around the house, chauffeurs kids etc. and the stress could explain a lot, unless I knew, he was basically like that before these factors came in to our life. Those days he was mostly rude to his mother or mine, or said blunt things to or about other people.
I find it a bit sad, that I am overwhelmed when another man talks to me in a nice manner and relaxed voice.