Its hard to explain...but Im in the process of learning what it takes to create and sustain a mature, responsible, successful relationship. Don't know if Ill ever get there, but I think Ive learned a lot lately. In this last relationship I never considered it being all about my own sexual satisfaction, but I think I put too much emphasis on sexual satisfaction period - for me and for her - at the expense of focusing on and expanding upon mutual interests outside of the bedroom. Those mutual interests weren't there in abundance (we may not have had much in common to begin with) and we worked on trying to expand them with fair to middling success and then other issues (mostly those of trust on both our parts) intercepted this process and sunk the relationship very quickly. I heard from her today: she texted me out of the blue, said it was by mistake - texted something innocuous ("why did I keep my eyes open while having sex" while she always closed hers). Each cordially asked how the other was doing and that was it. I miss her in many ways. We came from radically different backgrounds and upbringings. But she was real and generous and unpretentious in her own way.