Originally posted by Simple_Min
How many years have passed since their "freedom", and yet we are still told to fear the black person as if they are some inhumane monsters.
I'm not sure where you get that. I see just as much white-trash and hispanics as I do black people on "COPS".
If I see a group of shady looking white punks walking down the street towards me in a "bad part of town", I would be just as concerned as if they were black, hispanic, native american, or hasidic jews. Race means less than upbringing, location, and social affiliations do nowadays.
Originally posted by smooth
Do you really disagree that there are different levels of taking a life--each with its own culpability?
Murder in the first degree = Murder in the first degree, regardless of whether it was a wife plotting against her husband for financial gain, or a klan member killing a homosexual out of hate. In both cases there is a lack of respect for human life which should be punished equally.