Ok, haven't had time to read every post, but just throwing my two cents in on a couple things that jumped out at me.
Straw man sales-
More regulation will do ZERO to stop this. It is ALREADY illegal. Once someone is found to be doing this, the answer is to lock them away for a very long time. More felon control is needed. Not gun control. Now, if you wanted to deal with the situation, Make the straw men responsible as an accessory for every crime that can be proven to be done with a gun supplied by them. This does zero to effect the rights of honest gun owners.
Extended and high capacity mags-
There IS a reason for them. If you get woken up at night in your house by multiple intruders, which many break ins involve, you want as many rounds as you can get as quick as you can get. Having to deal with the disorientation of going from asleep to a high stress situation is hard enough without having to worry about reloading. Banning these will do nothing to stop crazies like the ass hat that shot Giffords. If you take 5 minutes a day to practice a reload, you will find it takes very little time to swap out mags, as in a few seconds. I'm a second rate shooter at best and I can can do a decent quick reload. Any crazy fuck intent on killing people can and will work around mag capacity. And there is no faster reload then a second gun. Deciding on an arbitrary number of rounds with the argument "you don't need more then that" is bullshit. We don't need a car that goes faster then 75 miles an hour either, but go ahead and try to limit that.
Background checks-
There is a system involved, and while FFL dealers do have to file a good amount of paper work, it it based off of SSN numbers. They get your info, make a phone call, and get a yay or nay. If the sheriffs office out here had bothered to make sure that Loughner's drug arrests had been put on record, then he would have been turned down. However, loop holes in the system allowed him to get the SEVERAL run ins with the law "removed" from his record, and allowed him to LIE on his application and get away with it. Again, stricter FELON control would have prevented this situation. Not stricter gun control.
FFL dealers not doing background checks-
Revoke there FFL, fine the living shit out of them, and lock them up. No further gun control needed.
Now, there were a few things on the gun control side I don't have a problem with. Making sales at a gun show require a background check doesn't bug me. People are going there with the intent of making a few bucks, and making sure they don't sell them to someone who shouldn't have a gun is ok in my book. HOWEVER, that should NOT apply to private sales and transfers outside of a gun show. I have a lot of gun buddies. Suppose I want to sell a gun to one of them, or give it to a family member as a gift. That is my business, and any attempt to interfere with that is government overstepping it's bounds.
If ever a gun control law was introduced that was actually effective at keeping guns out of the hands of felons without stepping all over the rights of law abiding citizens, I would vote for it. However, almost every law out there does nothing but hinder honest men and women from being able to protect themselves.
Ok, I feel better now that that is out of my system. Carry on folks.