Originally Posted by noodle
I truly believe that when you're immersed in those feelings it seems as if there is no alternative, then that is where you are and no one else can truly empathize. It's not wrong, it's not right... it just is. And we have to deal with our own feelings about it. So, trying to decide when it's acceptable and when it's not is kind of a moot point. In my opinion.
Having been there, I think you're right.
I was lucky in that I had people who cared about me enough to persuade me that there was an alternative beyond hurting myself. All I wanted at that point was to not be; trying to see beyond my own lack of self was difficult.
My first post in this thread is what it is because I do believe that euthanasia is acceptable and that suicide is another ball of wax entirely--and a ball of wax that requires some delicacy. I have been there; I have been in the bottom of the hole that is so deep you don't feel like you will ever ever ever get out. I am exceedingly thankful that I had friends and family that wanted me to live, and wanted to get me the help I needed to survive to see another day. It helped me realize that mental anguish like that can be a temporary state. I have been to the pit again since then; while I desired to injure myself, I didn't desire to go so far as to kill myself.
Ultimately, though, I believe that if you have the chance to intervene with someone contemplating suicide, you should. You might make a world of difference.