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Old 06-16-2003, 07:53 PM   #8 (permalink)
Location: Dodging the ice pick
When you add the target attribute to your anchor tag you can give it a certain name. target="_blank" will always open a new blank window but you don't have to do this. If you want you can have all your links open in a window different than your page is on but they will all open in the same one.

Let me explain it better. Say you added target="link" to all your links. On your page you included a link to CNN, Toms Hardware, and the TFP. Now say I was on your site and I clicked on the CNN link. It would get a new window with CNN. Then I clicked on the lead story on CNN and I still have two windows. One with your page and another with the lead CNN story. Now say I switched back to your page and I clicked on the TFP link. TFP would open up not in an entirely new window but the one where the CNN story is. The is because the target attribute give the new window a name, in this example "link". So each link that points to the windows named "link" will open in that window even if the site currently display is not what was originally opened in that window.
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