Suicide: A permanent solution to a temporary problem
I find suicide to be the most selfish thing a person could do. One is so wrapped up in his/her own misery, whether real or imagined, to be unable to fathom a) the misery is not or may not be permanent, b) the effect on those left behind and c) the lost opportunity to be a contributor to the world.
When that Rutgers student jumped off the bridge last September, my thoughts went to his devastated family. So much promise, so much talent and he was too selfish to care.
As someone who has suffered from depression, I know the feeling of being "cocooned" in misery but I also knew it could be alleviated and that seeking help was the only good option. And, no matter how bad it gets, I remind myself there are some who are worse off and count my blessings.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.