The best Penis Plug is made from Stainless Steel, just like any body jewelry. They come in several forms, solid, thru-hole and Pa Look. They also come in smooth shaft or bumpy shaft. they also come in different diameters and lengths. None of these require a Prince Albert piercing. Make sure your Penis plug is cleaned. Then lube it up with any good water base lube. Insert it slowly and enjoy the feeling. When first starting out, you will not want to leave it in very long. You will get more used to it over time. I have been playing with Penis Plugs for several years and i have found that the best place to buy them is a place called PenisPlugsAndMore. They have the largest selection with a wide variety of diameter sizes and lengths. This guy makes them, so if you have questions or need something different, they can help you. Good Luck and Enjoy!!