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Old 02-09-2011, 02:17 PM   #7 (permalink)
remy1492's Avatar
Location: CA TX LU
I have quite a few SKSs and AKs as I collect combloc stuff.

Between AKs and the SKS, the SKS is more fun to shoot. Its a RIFLE, where as the AK is an assault weapon. Being a rifle, it is longer, has balance points and a longer sight radius. The AK is less balanced and a shorter sight radius, making it harder to aim distantly.

The stripper clips are great, mine arent sharp at all and load smoothly. I enjoy slower shooting and reloading like that.

The SKSs are typically more accurate than an AK because of the long barrel. If it is innacurate, chances are it was bent, dropped from a plane, rusted barrel or you are using different loads/brands/years of ammo.

The other finicky thing about SKSs is the gas port. Yugo 59/66 or 59 SKSs imported here sometimes have corroded gas tube areas causing leaks of pressure so the bolt wont cycle (jams). Other than that, its hard to get an SKS to malfunction.

I have had good luck on all my SKSs, even the crappy Albanian. If I were recommending one, I'd buy a Russian first, Romanian second, Yugo third and Chinese last, due to the finish and looks of them. Yugo's wont have a Chrome lined bore, this is important but if its Unissued, it wont be a problem, just clean the F out of it and keep it oiled.

I would NOT modify the SKS to be a sniper or hi-cap AK wannabe rifle. If you want a sniper, buy a scoped AR or hunting rifle, if you want a hi-cap blaster, buy an AK. Once you go modding the SKS, it loses value fast and will probably start having problems.

SKS value is about $300ish these days and sure to go higher in time, I paid $69-89 for them between 94-2004, sometimes you can get one lower at a gunshow. occasionally has some back in stock. AIM currently has Yugo ammo on stripper clips at a good price, but its corrosive so learn about cleaning. Bring a light to check the barrel and see if its shiny. SKS sights rarely need to be adjusted, but the TAPCO brand sight tool has served me well. After sighting in about 50 rifles it started to die, so I bought the MAgma brand one
, Yugo SKSs and AKs may take different tools though so watch out, Yugo's did stuff oddly.

Here are some photos of some of my SKSs.

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