Faith - trust - belief.
In my opinion 'belief' contains a bit stubborn outlook of matters, even disregarding the opposite ideas without examining them.
Faith has religious ring to it, not necessarily though, and I would compare it to optimism, wishful thinking that something good will come eventually.
When you trust a person, you likely have knowledge and experience of him conducting reliably. Unless you're a fool and trust everyone. Faith is a little less solid trust in someone, you like and whom you don't want to disappoint you.
"Having faith" - it's realizing you're not in the best situation right now, but things will change for the better. Those who have religious outlook, will include God having something to do with it. "Losing one's faith" - the sum of your hardship might be more than you can take at the moment to be willing to look to the future. "Having no faith" is pessimism.
In general, I believe we all aim to go towards a better future, so this gives faith validity. If it wasn't so, would we still be here?
I have problems to connect faith with witchcraft.
Life is...