Well its been 1 week and 3 days and I had 5 days in a row of phone sex with this virgin girl and I am a virgin too. anyways, we like each other very fast and she said i love you to me first on the third day. And on the 5th day me and her are bf & gf and the phone sex came along as well. I give her new picture of me and she gives me old pics of her and wrote i am her girl on few old pictures of her.
And today she didn't talk to me much and i sang to her too to see what she say and no answer for 3 hours. so I called her no pick up left a message how i was concerned how she took the time to dress cute and take a new picture over 2 months or at least a month and its for him of missing her bestie and no new picture of me.
what about me? where my new picture, she even called me a pevert to ask one b4 she did that new pic. and i asked on the 6th day.
I even asked how was my singing and she told me what she was going to take a shower. I siad what? her: shower. Then I said: nvm I'll shutup....I suck at singing and I am here waiting for you until your done showering.
only a few times she called me pet names and 1 week and 2 days she keep saying i love you and i siad it back and during the time i even said it b4 she said it.
We never met in person other then high school. which was awhile...like maybe 4-5 years haven't seen each other.
what you guys think?? Maybe i am over reacting or what?