Five years ago, I was a mess. I was working at a job that literally made me sick when I'd pull into the parking lot, my husband was working a decent paying but dead-end job, I was trying to cope with my brother's death, and my marriage was on the rocks and had been for quite awhile. I had no plans for the future, my wheels were just spinning.
Now, my husband and I are both in school (he's getting ready to apply for nursing school, I'm working toward a degree in medical laboratory science), I have a job with a kick-ass boss who values my skills and input, and my husband is my best friend, my confidant, and my rock. I'm so glad we didn't give up on our marriage. Our finances are tighter - my husband lost his job at the beginning of the recession and makes a lot less now, but at least he has a job, and it gives him flexibility to go to school. Mid to late 2010 dealt us some tough blows with the implosion of relationships and family deaths, but we've managed to get through it. Despite the financial and emotional hardships, I'm in a much, much better place now than I was 5 years ago.
"They say that patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings; steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king"
Formerly Medusa