Wow, now I'm really glad you Canadians have gummint healthcare... doesn't look like you have a whole lot of money to play around with should something bad happen. On the other hand, my entire life savings would be wiped out by the ER bill for an automobile collision. Disgusting.
I'm one of those crazy guys that somehow managed to make it through his 20s without forming a giant abscess of debt. Between the military paying for college and the fact I only buy used vehicles and eat tuna and Cheerios constantly, I'm putting away $5k a year into a Roth IRA and have a separate money market account that I throw several thousand a year into so I can eventually put a huge down payment on a house. Aside from the huge hit I took in 2007 (along with everybody else), I'm well on my way into being a millionaire by the time I retire... which is good because "millionaire" won't mean diddly-shit in 2040. As stupid as I am, I seem to be doing well in the money department. I used to get tax refunds but that seems like a thing of the past. I mean, I didn't realize why everybody was bitching about taxes until I entered one of the higher tax brackets. I'm losing a third of each paycheck now. Time to revert to Full On Greedy White Guy mode and hire somebody to find loopholes to funnel cash through back to my pockets.
My strategy to get money back this year? The American Way: Find every single write-off I can and milk the hell outta the weaknesses of the system.
Last edited by Plan9; 02-07-2011 at 10:03 PM..