How more clear can I be - I don't understand them. I admit ignorance. I seek answers. I want to understand if my concerns are legitimate or not. Making the assumption that I am an Islamophobe is not helpful.
Read more: http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/tilted-...#ixzz1DKoQrnaA
Please understand that when I speak of the Muslim Brotherhood's support (or lack there of) I have studied Egypt in depth. I concentrated my studies in school surrounding Lebanon and Egypt, while ensuring I hit more or less every other country out there.
Egypt is secular. Egypt has been secular since the 1840s when the Egyptian Generals wrested general independence from the Caliphate. They have been secular almost as long as we have, and more importantly their population is more fervently secular than ours in opposing theological laws to be put in place.
The Muslim Brotherhood tried an uprising against the Government in the late '70s, attacking a Police Headquarters with grenades/rpgs/AK's. They were chased off by unarmed civilians who proceeded to beat them with stones and sticks resulting in almost all of the attackers being caught. The civilians were hailed by the Government as patriots, but when asked they all hated Mubarak... they just hated the MB more.
By propping up Mubarak we're hurting our cause. Egypt has a massive effect on other Muslim countries in terms of culture, economy, and population. We should throw our support behind the democratic cause and help the domino's of freedom spread... not just give the terrorist and Islamic theocratic factions fuel for their rants about our hypocrisy.