So, my SO & I are getting ready to download the (free) online tax package and plug in our current 2010 details. This is all with the aim at deciding how much $ we need to put into a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) (or 401K is what I think Americans call this vehicle) to shelter as much of it from the tax man as possible.
Usually I am late with this as the deadline is the end of February and I end up sending all my bonus money into a Money Market fund. Way too conservative, although it's saved my savings in the past few years.
I've heard that the percentage of people who put into retirement plans is low. I've managed to max out each year that I can. My question is, how many folks on TFP think about this, what are your strategies? I know all the H&R Block commercials will start soon - it usually happens after The Mandarin Restaurant finishes it Chinese New Year commercials.