Originally Posted by dc_dux
Are you suggesting the revolution in Egypt was designed by some "savior" waiting in the wings and not a grass roots uprising?
You're ignoring the institutions that exist in Egypt, unlike Iran or elsewhere in the Middle East.
Most notably, an independent judiciary and a strong military that has no ties to any religious groups but a vested interest in the economy and therefore stability.
The country also has a long and strong tradition of not having interest in a fundamentalist theocracy.
The students, the workers (of all classes), the military and even the Muslim Brotherhood all have a vested interested in ensuring stability.
IMO, your just mimicking the right wing fears, particularly Beck and his warning of "coming caliphate."
Events appear calculated and orchestrated. The M.O. is quite familiar.
Only a savior only in the sense that a system, politics, religious direction, or all of the above may step in and save the day. Not a person or messiah... at least not in the sincere meaning.
And since you're asking me questions that I have not yet answered, but you are telling me I've forgotten or ignored something regarding the question you have not received an answer to, please feel free to ask more questions of me for you to answer in advance. It's entertaining... much like your response to the parallels I mentioned regarding the Iranian revolution. I stand by my positions. There are enough facts to support the feasibility of my views... we'll see in time. (won't we?) I hope that I'm wrong.