Originally Posted by ottopilot
My point exactly... it's getting ripe(er) for the picking. It's already a mess... and suppose it's prodded over the edge by numerous and seemingly harmless factions working in concert. A poke and a nudge in all the right places, the economy suddenly, totally, collapses, and utter chaos becomes instantaneous. Enter the benevolent savior... who is most at the ready? It's a house of cards...perhaps by design.
Are you suggesting the revolution in Egypt was designed by some "savior" waiting in the wings and not a grass roots uprising?
You're ignoring the institutions that exist in Egypt, unlike Iran or elsewhere in the Middle East.
Most notably, an independent judiciary and a strong military that has no ties to any religious groups but a vested interest in the economy and therefore stability.
The country also has a long and strong tradition of not having interest in a fundamentalist theocracy.
The students, the workers (of all classes), the military and even the Muslim Brotherhood all have a vested interested in ensuring stability.
IMO, your just mimicking the right wing fears, particularly Beck and his warning of "coming caliphate."