Originally Posted by debaser
TAD Legionaires. They may cost a mint, but I've been wearing the same pair for 5 years now and there is still no end in sight...
(The smell is horrific.)
I know, the crappy $15 cargo pants I'm wearing were made by dying slave children in the finest sweatshops of Southeast Asia.
You do realize your TAD pants cost more than my entire work outfit for a week, right? I just can't stand head-to-toe 5.11 goons.
Originally Posted by Walt
Just a quick update: The match was surprisingly cool and very well run. The courses of fire seemed fairly well thought out and stressed "real-world" skills. The weather was shitty.
Well, if you're impressed I suppose I'll have to roll my ass down 95 and do it sometime.
Originally Posted by Walt
Slims and I also got to watch a guy shoot himself in the boot while trying to holster his pistol, so that was fun, too. The round entered about ankle high and came out on the bottom/side of his heel without touching him. To give you an idea of the crowd: as soon as everyone saw the guy shoot himself, they immediately started talking shit and demanding the shooter be given a procedural penalty. Good times.
Forgot that, I wanna know how much time you lose from shooting someone in the back.
Oh, and I see Walt
won a t-shirt. I know he'll be wearing that bad boy around town.