Originally posted by Lebell
Speaking as someone who firmly believes in racial and sexual equality, I believe that the notion of a "hate crime" is foolish.
Murder is murder.
And the same is true for other crimes.
Attaching additional penalities for the "thought" behind the crime smacks of 1984 and the "thought" police.
We already see 'thoughts' being prosecuting in the area of sexual moreys with men now being persecuted for taking pictures of underage CLOTHED girls (WITH parents consent!!)
I personally don't give a damn what you think of blacks/whites/gays, etc. so long as you don't act in a criminal fashon.
Do you really disagree that there are different levels of taking a life--each with its own culpability?
Justified homocide (I'm pretty sure you would retract your claim that "murder is murder" in this particular example).
Manslaughter I and II
Criminal negligence (homocide)
Murder (premeditated)
Heat of Passion
Finally, hate on the basis of race, ethnicity, and possibly class.
Our courts already have a long history of distinguishing betwen diverse states of mind (
mens rea)