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Old 02-06-2011, 10:05 AM   #88 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Originally Posted by dogzilla View Post
The Weathermen had some pretty violent discourse. Stokeley Carmicahel. Van Jones. If I wanted to spend the time I have no doubt I could find more.
I rebuke all of them, and I find what they did long before I was born to be abhorrent and antithetical to their goals. Regardless, what they said has no bearing on the national discussion in 2011. That was really the point both DC and myself were trying to make. This discussion is about the United States in 2011. I can't believe that you would suggest that somehow what the Weathermen said decades ago, which was not popular on the left even when it was said, somehow informs national politics in the present.
Originally Posted by dogzilla View Post
Frankly, I can't get to excited about what some entertainers say. I don't even watch them. Especially since the lefties dismiss similar behavior from the left. If someone commits a violent act, it's not Rush's fault. It's not Stokeley Carmichael's fault. It's that person's fault and that person should be punished.
I'm really glad you don't watch that stuff, dogzilla, I respect you for that, but a very large number of people do, and among those people are racists, xenophobes, and gun culture people. There are even emotionally unstable people who are perhaps more susceptible than your average person to the false reality that Fox News and conservative talk radio describe in which tyrannical liberals are trying to murder babies, give your job to brown people, or whatever bizarre fantasy about George Soros Beck has come up with this week.

Dr. Tiller, the abortion doctor, was shot in the head, murdered in cold blood by someone who was an avid Bill O'Reilly watcher. Bill, of course, lead a campaign against Tiller in the media, calling him a murderer, a baby-killer, someone who "destroys fetesus for just about any reason right up until the birth date for $5,000", etc. He said, and I quote, " He's guilty of Nazi stuff," and "This is the kind of stuff happened in Mao's China, Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Soviet Union." Please tell me you're willing to entertain the possibility that there is a connection between the exaggerated, hte-filled rhetoric of BillO and Dr. Tiller's murderer.
Originally Posted by dogzilla View Post
Some number greater than zero were arrested. I don't care whether anybody was killed. I don't believe violence that doesn't kill anyone is acceptable.
I don't find it acceptable either, but I hope you understand that throwing a rock through a window is not as bad as physically attacking a person or killing them. Please, dogzilla, tell me you're at least willing to admit that.
Originally Posted by dogzilla View Post
So it's ok to assault someone if you don't kill them. Got it.
Never said it was okay.
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