Cool video. You come to think, omg, there are people, who actually don't know you should do all this!
My grandparents let us practice knife carving, when we weren't yet in school. I climbed to trees, threw things - it was interesting to hear, this is something your brain wants you to do. As a kid we used to play baseball a lot, the Finnish version, but yet it was about throwing and catching, hitting the ball. Even today I enjoy throwing things. I throw bad apples underneath the tree to the field, I throw snowballs, stones, cones, anything...
Burning things with magnifying glass - that was so cool. My sons have the task in turn to take care of lighting up the fire in the boiler room daily.
However I admire the adults, who take time to teach kids to do these things safely enough, not just leave them to figure out everything on their own.
Kids tying explosives on the back of a cat and watching it blow up is a bit too cruel.
Life is...