why do i get sleepy in class?
first a little background...
up till a year ago, i had pretty bad sleep apnea and was nodding off on a regular basis throughout the day.
i got a sleep machine (basically a fan that blows up my nose to keep my breathing regular) and for about 9 months now i've felt great, with plenty of energy.
anyway, i hadn't been to school in about 20 years. i started a new class last week and i feel like i have a whole new perspective on school. instead of dreading it, i was looking forward to learning the subject and meeting the other students. i was really excited about it.
the night before i got plenty of rest, woke up fresh, got a good coffee and breakfast and showed up 20 minutes early.
then to my chagrin, about 90 minutes into the class, i started feeling drowsy and nodding off. it was alarming! i really didn't want to but couldn't help it.
it was just like i remembered when i had apnea, but i know for a fact it wasn't the same thing.
whats going on? am i breathing wrong or is there not enough air in class? am i getting bored subconsciously?
and what can i do to combat this sleepy feeling?
-my phobia drowned while i was gettin down.