Priceless. (Love Katie Couric's hair. And the fact that she thought that @ was about)
"Internet is that massive computer thing the one that's become really big now"
You can hear the tech telling them what it is.
"You don't need a phone line to operate it?"
"No No"
When I was in University in the mid to late 80's we could connect to from McMaster to York, then from York (for some reason) you could connect to many different Universities. I remember connecting to Oxford. It was very primative, but it did exist. I remember using the school "Vax" computers which were brutal when I think back. Just a black and white TV monitor (about 12") in a yellowed plastic box and a very clunky keyboard. There was a huge process just to log on. This was my first real exposure to computers (other than a 1k thning you hooked up to your TV (Seriously)). The "Vax" by Digital I remember was the most frustrating fucking thing in the world. It made me completely despise computers. You'd walk into that computer lab and is just stank of University geeks pounding away all day and night on those clunking keyboards trying to debug fortran code. Fuck me.
I remember in 1988 working a Summer for the Ministry of Something and my boss came up to me and said, "Look at this". He was holding a few sheets of waxy paper. "What is it?" I asked. "It's called a fax", he said. "What's a fax" I asked.
Didn't hear much about "The internet" again till about 1995 or so when the company I worked for invested in a 14k dial up modem that they hooked up to a central computer (in the words of my boss - he wanted to make sure we would not be goofing off surfing porn on the computer)