thanks guys.
not a bad ass at all. it's more mental than anything else. if you put one foot in front of the other, you're bound to make it. it just takes a little dedication and lots of mental stamina.
when i was younger and running cross country races i always wanted to become a marathoner. as things turned out, constant injuries turned the flame out. i had to wait 17 years to do my first one. albeit much much slower than when i was in my younger days, but these days its more about the thrill of doing something injury free than the time in doing it... im going to see a physiotherapist about my hip, and then my goal is to aim for a 4hr marathon for this year.
jove - you've done a few 5k'ers, i say do it!
jazz - thanks...the trials of miles...
craven - thanks. stay tuned for more!
plan9 - you'll have to join me on my next crazy adventure. no hero's here though... just a nutcase according to some
monkie - yallah yallah!