Keeping it in the (adoptive) family
Good evening folks
so, an issue that has come up periodically in my life is this - as an adoptee, where is the line? We've talked about sex with second cousins, but what about sex with family members closer to the ol' family tree (legally but not biologically speaking)
Back in the day, when i was a wee horny teenager, I found more than one of my cousins extremely attractive. Now, these cousins have no biological relation to me, but still, they are my cousins.
I can't say that anything has ever come from this attraction (aside from a couple of oops-i-walked-in-on-you-changing moments), but if it had, how wrong would it have been?
To summarize, lets say this - I'm adopted into the family, i had sex with my cousin. and then my sister. Should I go to jail or marry her?
These are the good old days...
formerly Murp0434