Maybe it comes with age.
Back when I was young and stupid, running the streets at age 20, I found a duffel bag hidden in the bushes behind a mexican restaurant, it was only about 20 feet from the back door of the place so I knew it was most likely owned by one of the hispanics who worked there who didnt have a permanent place to stay. It contained a thin sleeping bag, some deodorant, shampoo and other personal items.
And I took it, and back then I didnt care about the person who owned it, I didnt care about how that restaurant worker would feel when he got off work and discovered it gone and the hardships he would have to endure because of my theft. Perhaps he had only worked there a week and was struggling to get by.
I look back on that with regret. Im 41 now and I dont know at what age I suddenly became compassionate and started to care about how others feel. Was it something that happened to me in life or just a side effect of maturity?
I dont know. But when I watch Nascar I wonder if my desire to see a cool 12 car crash is stronger then my desire to not have anyone get hurt.