Originally Posted by StanT
Do you really want to make a case that the outcome would have been exactly the same if he obtained an Uzi?
there's no case that needs made. both guns fire a projectile.
We've always had weapons control and always will. Bill Gates can't buy his own ICBM, Warren Buffett can't buy Stinger missiles, and most of use can't own an automatic weapon.
your correct except for automatic weapons. I'm obviously not advocating that we should be able to own surfact to air missles, or RPG's.
You can argue forever where the appropriate line is; but it seems to be an issue that the gun lobby totally rejects.
I'm not part of the gun lobby. I don't support the unrestricted owning of firearms. I believe in order to obtain a firearm you should have to go through an approved traning and profficiency class.
Where is the appropriate delineation between military only weapons and those reasonable for a well regulated militia?
I guess I would draw the line at explosive ordinance.