Originally Posted by Willravel
If I could go back in time and un-invent guns, I would. Short of that, I know it's impossible to eliminate gun ownership. It will never happen.
curiosity, if guns could be made non-existent, what would you consider the best defense to a free state.
Originally Posted by Willravel
The line is necessity. What's necessary for home defense and hunting? Balance that with what's necessary to ensure that criminals can't be too well armed. Does an extended clip mean your home or person is safer than normal clips? Does it mean more efficient or effective hunting? Or is it more deaths and injuries at a shooting? Do you need an automatic rifle to defend your house from common criminals or to take down a buck?
not that it happens often, but in the case of a home invasion by multiple armed invaders, that extended clip might make the difference between life and death in avoiding to have to reload after 10 rounds. The need for an automatic weapon is self evident, if one considers that the 2nd Amendment was intended to ensure that the people could stand up to a regular army.
hunting or sporting purposes has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment.