(OOC: Sorry for the delay, I was pounded with work this weekend and needed to recover)
The flying team:
* At the top of their flight it is difficult to see amongst the quickly enclosing fog.
However, a the top is a flat roof of solid marble on the temple on the top tier.
3 other sides are just as uncompromising, flat and barren with no markings.
Only the front is adorned with huge columns,
with what seems to be a large indentation in the wall hidden behind the columns,
but a real doorway is not apparent from your current viewpoint.
The other tiers are much larger progressively with brush & vine grown atop each terrace
the walls have strange pictures and markings on each side.
Again from your current viewpoint there is no apparent entrance.*
* The crack is fairly large,
however you can see the wall of the tomb is deep, thicker than you would expect,
the way is dark,
but you can feel a decent cool breeze,
the smell is not rank, but ancient,
as if this is the first time this air has moved in centuries.
the sounds of your feet touching the crumbled wall echo back to you.
And strangely your fingers seems to be gripping the wall rather well. *
Last edited by rogue49; 06-16-2003 at 05:35 PM..