Cimarron, my grandma has a glass-topped coffee table with rocks she's collected from rockhounding inside of it. It's truly beautiful, and a unique way to display some of her collection. She is a serious rockhound, and she and Grandpa take trips all around the West to collect rocks. She makes some beautiful jewelry out of the rocks she collects, though she does purchase some rocks specifically for making jewelry (you could say one of my collections is Grandma's jewelry).
I also collect rocks. I started with a box set called Rocks and Minerals when I was six, and I've been collecting rocks since then. As I was typing this reply, my husband handed me a surprise present: an agate he found this morning. When we go to the beach, I spend considerable time hunting for what I call "treasures": unique rocks, agates, and seashells. My seashell collection started with my dad's seashell collection, which contains many shells from Florida, and includes a seahorse.
I collect beer t-shirts. I have about ten beer t-shirts from different breweries. I have a way of talking people into giving me beer t-shirts. Out of all the t-shirts I have, I only bought one, a Deschutes Black Butte Porter t-shirt.
There are more collections, but many of them are tucked into boxes, like my piggy bank collection. Only two of my piggy banks are currently on display in my house.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau