Originally Posted by dc_dux
ace....you're tripping all over yourself to defend Palin's victim mentality.
You can call her what you want. I just point out the obvious and ask that you give some thought to what/who you actually consider as a "victim". In my analogy if you did not get it, the rattle snake would not consider himself a victim. And it is in the nature of the rattle snake to strike in defense. If you poke at Palin, she is gonna strike back. If you want her to go away, stop poking her with your stick.
Comparing her to yourself and/or a Green Party candidate running for President? Neither you nor Chuck were a VP candidate for a major political party.
How many losing VP candidates go on to make a serious run for President? Let's have an adult discussion, your point is again diversionary.
Then, in the next breath, you suggest she is a serious contender. So is she like Chuck Baldwin or is she a serious contender. You cant have it both ways, ace.
I repeat. Palin is a fringe candidate. I support her 100%. I believe that she could win. It is a long-shot bordering on miraculous if she pulled it off. She is keeping her options open. She does not care about mass popularity. She talks to a core base of enthusiastic supporters like me. As a strategy, if she pulls it off, would be pure political genius. If she chooses not to run, she has lost nothing.
As to her need to overcome a resignation from public office, focusing on improving one's understanding of, and ability to articulate, public policy issues would have been more effective than becoming a shallow talking head....not writing your top three national policy issues on your hand..or complaining incessantly about the so-called media elite out to get you.
I heard Jimmy "The rent is too damn high" is running for President are you offering him your sage advise too? What is the difference that warrants Palin getting your attention but not Jimmy, that is my fundamental question. Can I get a direct thoughtful answer? I suppose not, so I draw my own conclusion and I think you fear Palin for some reason.