Originally Posted by Jinn
20 minutes, at least. It's my "alone time" (without the masturbatory connotation) and I use it for thinking, reflecting, planning the day, etc., - the sort of thing people do while drinking their coffee, or before going to sleep, because I don't really do either. It's a chance to be totally naked (mentally and literally) and just think, while getting what is essentially a massage in a really hot, steamy, room. Sometimes I even turn off the lights and shower in the dark, like if I have a headache or tired eyes. It's really nice - I'd call it religious if the word weren't so thoroughly ruined by religion.
This is my position too. I easily spend 15 or more minutes. My shower is the closest thing I have right now to a meditation practice.
I know it's a phenomenal waste of water and so there's a little bit of guilt, but I conserve in many other ways. I imagine a bath has a similar effect for some, but I've never really enjoyed baths.. I don't like being totally submerged and soaked in dirt water..
I sometimes think of this too. But I look at the big picture and realize there's a kind of offset in other areas in my life, namely, my diet. I look at the amount of water I save with each decision I make to not consume meat or dairy. I consume almost no dairy, and I consume maybe 4 to 5 servings of meat per week, though I've been thinking lately that I want to cut down even further.
I also wash all our dishes by hand, which, apparently, uses a quarter the amount of water that a dishwasher uses (5 gallons vs. 20 gallons/load).
Anyway, all said, I don't feel guilty spending an extra 10 minutes in the shower.