Maybe I'm weird. In the morning, I don't like to take a long shower. It feels like a waste of time and a waste of water. I'd rather save a longer shower for the evening, when I can really enjoy it. I don't usually shave my legs during my morning shower unless it's Saturday; I'll save that for an evening shower. I don't shave my legs in winter. Even my longest showers usually only clock in at about 10 minutes. I don't like to feel like I'm using up all the hot water, or using more water than I should. Sure, in Oregon we have plenty of water, but I still don't like to be wasteful.
My showers usually take about five minutes, even if I'm washing my hair. According to the USGS, a five minute shower uses 12.5 gallons of water. (You can fill out a water usage questionnaire here:
Water Science Questionnaire #3: Water use at home) I'd rather take multiple short showers in a day than 1 long one. I like to take a really hot shower when I'm cold in the winter, and I like to take a cooling shower when I'm hot and sticky in the summer. Obviously, I like to shower after a good workout. To me, just one long shower in the morning wouldn't allow me to do that.
By comparison, my husband takes showers that are at least 15 minutes in length. He says he needs the time in the shower to wake up. Unlike me, he doesn't take multiple showers in a day.
So how long do you shower for? Does thinking about things like water usage impact the length of your shower?