Originally Posted by dc_dux
And the data is ATF data on "Time to Crime" measures.
So you respond with bullshit from a biased site?
Fact check: ...an ATF spokesman gave us more detailed figures for how many guns had been submitted and traced during those two years. Of the guns seized in Mexico and given to ATF for tracing, the agency actually found 95 percent came from U.S. sources in fiscal 2007 and 93 percent in fiscal 2008. That comes to a total of 10,347 guns from U.S. sources for those two years, or 36 percent of what Mexican authorities say they recovered.
Counting Mexico’s Guns | FactCheck.org
I've never cared for fact check, but since we have conflicting sources and info, just go with what you feel.
Originally Posted by dc_dux
The poll was a bi-partisan poll of both Democrat and Republican pollsters. In fact, most polls over the last decade or so show more than a majority of gun rights advocates support tightening the national database and/or closing the gun show loophole.
and I could pull half a dozen polls saying the opposite.
Originally Posted by dc_dux
I am saying you can sell anything you want out of your home and I dont give a shit. But in a PUBLIC forum, where the majority of sales require background checks....all sales should require background checks.
no they shouldn't. why the fuck should I have special permission to sell something I own in public? Aren't I part of the public?
Originally Posted by dc_dux
With national standards for gun shows (not sales in private homes) similar to those states that closed the loophole....where there have been no challenges ever in the federal courts that that those state standards violate the Second Amendment.
and the courts are always right, right? kelo, united citizens, just to name a few. come on, the courts are fucked and you know it. It's half of the two faced tyrant organizations in our government that have ignored the constitution for over 100 years.