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Old 06-16-2003, 05:07 PM   #7 (permalink)
Double D
Location: Chicagoland

Sorry you feel shitty about Father's Day.
Your discussion of what you do every day to support your loved ones, and what you'd hoped for on Dad's day caused me to reflect on how we handle this Hallmark-created *holiday.*

Honestly, I think the day itself is meaningless.
What _does_ mean something is that you are looking for a little recognition, a *way to go, honey,* a break from having to do for everyone all the time and feeling as if there's nothing left of/for you.

The suggestion that you share your feelings with your wife as you have with us may be a good one, or maybe she might be hurt/offended, and it could blow up in your face. You know her well enough to judge.

You didn't mention the ages of your kids. Are they old enough to make you a handmade card or the like? Could you tell them how much you'd love it if they did something like that?

You are not the only one that feels unappreciated, though that's small comfort, I'm sure. I'm terrible at remembering my anniversary, and I almost forgot my spouse's birthday last year, but remembering to value the one's you love the 363 or 4 other days of the year count- a lot.
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