Earlier polls showed only marginally less support for closing the loophole (and tightening the national database), even among gun owners and gun rights advocates.
And, yeah, I know most criminals will find a way to buy a gun...but why make it so easy?
Here is a fact from a recent study of interstate transport of guns:
In 2009, just ten states (among those with the loophole) supplied nearly half – 49% – of the guns that crossed state lines before being recovered in crimes. Together, these states accounted for nearly 21,000 interstate crime guns recovered in 2009.
side note:
I do find it odd that those on the "terrorist watch list" can buy weapons, but cant board a plane...
U.S. Terror Watch List Individuals Are Allowed to Buy Guns 90 Percent of the Time, GAO Says - ABC News
...but don't get me started on the terrorist watch list.