I tip no matter what, unless they were downright rude or something. 10% minimum, even for crappy service. Sometimes people just have a bad day. And I try to let people know when they did a really great job or just made my day nicer. I once had a waitress who was extra special nice. She wasn't perky or fake sunny cheerful or anything, just really nice. She could kind of tell I wanted to be left alone (I was cranky and had had a bad day), so she didn't intrude, but made sure I was taken care of and gave me two desserts. So I left her a whopping huge tip.
I've never been a waitress but I know enough people who have been waitresses or waiters to know that it's a crap job and you have to put up with lots of shit from morons and rude people who think the universe revolved around them. They get paid for shit, usually, and are held responsible for EVERYTHING. It doesn't cost me that much to make sure they want to keep doing their job, first by being polite to them even when they screw up (not a doormat, just polite), and second, rewarding them monetarily when they do good work.
"If ten million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."
- Anatole France