Originally Posted by Strange Famous
Second,Thrall's people have committed far worse atrocities than the Forsaken. The orcs are a savage race who delight in war and plunder.
Tu quoque?
Third, You must consider that the "lore" is like any other narrative, in that it is influanced by those who are a part of it. Perhaps what we know about Thrall is sometimes what he wants to portray. To me it seems very likely that Thrall's is half ogre rather than "he just happens to be 3 foot taller than any other orc, because its a game and thats the way it is"
Actually, I have noticed this with many of the epic/heroic (or whatever you want to call them) NPCs in the game. They are much bigger, even the humans. It's not that the humans are actually half-giants, but it's that---in the cartoony style of the game---they have a "big" stature in terms of their power and "epicness."
If Thrall were born of half-ogre, it would be blatantly obvious and Durotan wouldn't be considered his father.
Thrall might be powerful in terms of his earth magic - from his half ogre side I admit he has an intrinsic and unthinking intuation for nature, but there is no way he is more powerful than the blood elves best magicians.
You also seem to be unfamiliar with the ogre magi, who are ogres with much higher intelligence than is average for their race. These ogres tend to have blue skin and usually favour sorcery over other types of magic (such as shamanism).
Again, go to the lore. Your experiences based on what you see onscreen is misinterpreting what's actually true.
For example, you know that Sylvanas is an expert at demon magic, right? Don't you find necromancy and mind control a wee bit unbecoming?