Originally Posted by Strange Famous
It is clear though that Sylvanas does not do ANYTHING simply as a blindly obedient member of the horde. She takes orders from nobody and her alliance with the orcs is only temporary for as long as it is in her own interests,
This makes her subserviant to the Horde and at the mercy of their whims, apparently. She will gain nothing directly in her vile and merciless actions against the Gilneans.
She has attacked Gilneas as a necessary measure to secure her people's safety and future. Nearly every other group in WOW believes that the undead do not have the right to exist. Even the horde allies are revolted by them.
Okay, she didn't merely attack Gilneas, she unleashed an toxic onslaught that does no less than reveal her pitiless nature and dark heart. She made many innocent Gileans suffer horrendous ends, all the while destroying swaths of land in ways not seen since the Scourge.
You suggest the Forsaken have a right to exist. Pray tell, are the Gilneans afforded such a right as well? Or are there mere lambs to the slaughter for what seems to be Silvanas' insatiable quest for power?
If the worst thing you can accuse her of is leading an aggressive war, she is no better or worse than most of the other leaders. Powers are constantly shifting, aggressions is everywhere... Sylvanas struck before she was struck against.
Gilneas was no threat. At all.
The methods she used maybe ruthless, but hardly comapre to those of Greymane the Wicked. She offered free will and choice to the undead. When you start to play it is made clear again and again that you have free will, you and no one else if forced to join. Greymane the wicked turned his people into wild beasts because of his own stubborn pride and refusal to work with the alliance.
You fail to understand the history of Gilneas and the nature of the curse. Is this why you seem to be an apologist for an evil aggressor who deserves no less than the hangman's noose or the executioner's axe?