I am playing my first forsaken character now my night elf is at level 85, and I already know enough about the half-orc hare brained Warchief (believe his mother was an ogre?)
At level 12 I reported to a location at Silverpine and witnessed this so called "warchief" call Sylvanas a bitch and insult her outrageously. I tried to strike him with a shadow bolt bot got "invalid target" error. The craven loutish half orc than ran away after I targeted him with the chicken dance emote.
I certainly will ensure that I slay Arthas. I might look up tonight on one of the wow guides on how you get to him and kill him. I hope that I can keep his "frostbane" sword or whatever so I can pass it to someone with enchanting skill so they can disenchant it - I feel this that casting aside the sword that conquered his soul like a piece of trash will be a fitting epitaph for this coward.
Originally Posted by YaWhateva
Oh you mean in trying to save the world from being torn in half? Yeah...you know absolutely nothing of the lore and are just making ridiculous shit up in your own mind. I'm a fan of Sylvanas' story and character but the nonsense you are spewing is insane. If you have any interest in not sounding like ignorant, maybe you should read the lore more or maybe some of the novels (I haven't read the novels but I know the plot for most of what happens).
Also, yeah you go find that quest to kill Arthas. See how that works out for you.  
Baraka, the only thing I will say, though, is that Sylvanas does seem to have a lot of her own intentions that aren't necessarily of interest to the Horde.
Here is a really good read up about Sylvanas' lore in Cataclysm (lots of spoilers):
Know Your Lore: Sylvanas Windrunner, part 1
Know Your Lore: Sylvanas Windrunner, part 2