Originally Posted by roachboy
i had a conversation about this with a comrade last night, strangely enough. it was mostly his show, however---his claim was that god was another name for the "life force"--the energy that animates all things but was different from the life force because the name god is a way of answering the question of why that force exists. so in its ongoing being, it is life (but qualified that way) and god when the view of the same force shifts register.
this was somehow linked to a tale about 12 years of catholic school but the way the link worked eluded me; at times it seemed that this was a "revelation" he had come to about catholicism; other times it seemed like a statement of where he had gotten to despite catholicism. i suspect it's both.
i mention it because the distinction life force/god as reflecting a shift in viewpoint on the same thing makes sense to me if you work within a linguistic space/frame of reference that makes "life force" (universal soul?) and "god" words that you're inclined to do things with.
i'm not sure of how compelling these things are outside that kind of frame of reference though.
Heh, that's pretty much what I said. I just based it more on philosophy and logic than his 12 years of catholic school lol