Hi Skitto
You said "Can we narrow the concept of God down from Everything down to Everything that has happened to You specifically? ...."
And I reckon we can, for "Everything that has happened to You specifically" is all the 'everything' that is possible to have. Our thoughts about and concepts of everything .... including those we have about God are part of this 'everything that had happened to us specifically'. This is our workbench and our narrowing or expanding of any concept will be performed on and within it.
I'm not offering a "Solipsism - oh dearie me

" proposition here, but rather a faith - a 'beyond the ability or moreover relevance of proof' proposition. I assert - I choose to hold true that there is an outside and also an inside beyond this moment of utterance. I need the feeling of coherence and am therefore soothed by anything which gives me a sense of 'IS' to my world of perceptions. I suppose I am offering a 'Subjectivism plus assertion of consensus realty ... yayyy

proposition '
Your thought is a thought which is part of what makes this universe one I like living in.
Like Willravel, I don't want to assign some 'relatable personality'
Having joined you, Skitto, in narrowing the concept of God to everything that has happened to me specifically, I feel I have performed an 'appropriate act of emotional humility', By which I mean I can bellow "EVER-Y-THING! I DEEM THE WORLD TO BE SUCH AND SUCH!" and still look in the mirror and whilst cringing at my loudness and knowing I risk disturbing my epistemological neighbours, say to myself "I know that is a 'my trumpet' that I blow, no matter how few or many people choose to play a similar tune to mine"
At times when I have assigned a 'relatable personality', I feel I have done something different from your 'narrowing', I feel I have 'Crushed' the concept. I feel I have performed an 'inappropriate act of emotional hubris/pride/ whup-upside-the-head-able uppityness.' For I have my concept of 'other' - 'other than I/me' - of other species and other intelligences .... and I don't want to look at my species and go 'there is a
creatOR(some individual which did an act of 'making') and it is organized similarly to this species.' By expanding the concept of ME, I'd cripple my conceptualisation of and by [my] implication, the extent of possibility in the universe. I'd generate an impoverished notion of 'everything' ... I need to think further on this.
For now, I am pushing my ejection seat button and hopefully bailing out before I disappear up my own .............
Read before breakfast
Tried to reply but floundered
I better eat now