Originally Posted by Zeraph
I dunno. I used to be a naked little hooligan in my low twenties (running around in boxer shorts, sometimes nothing if alone). Then I started wearing clothes for some odd reason. Now I'm in between. I often go shirtless if temperature permits. Still sometimes rock only boxers. During winter though we keep it cold to save money, so I'm usually fully dressed. But I also like to show off my tattoos and scarification. So going shirtless is a plus in that regard.
edit: you're forgetting the most fiercesome warriors of all, that go pantless, and naked. Celtic berserkers. (or one of those old cultures, can't remember for sure if it was the celts).
Yeah... you KNOW a group has their shit together when the
Roman Empire shows up, takes one look at you, turns the fuck around and builds something that gives the great wall of china a run for its money.