Originally Posted by aceventura3
If you read what I wrote you would know I agree.
I read what you wrote, I just find it amusing an apparently 50 year old man can't have a conversation without wanting to be insulting.
I shared an honest bias that I have and I explained it. the purpose was to share some insight with those who actually read stuff here on why I am such an ardent Palin supporter and why I don't like Obama. I admit the importance of passion and emotion and having leadership who can stir passion and emotion. I admit the symbolism of not backing down and how that moves me. I illustrate why liberals employing their current strategy may back-fire. I admit Palin is less than perfect and I am. I say I have concerns, that she will need a good team. I do all this sincerely and honestly, but i am told I don't mean what I write, that I don't understand "it" and that I have a problem. I got it, trust me. But, just like Palin did, I give you the royal... ...
Wash, Rinse, Repeat.