Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
Again, TFP is not a public space. That individual like another who was crazy and bent on some of the staff here was free to vocalize their hate and discontent in their own space that they paid for. TFP is as public as any privately held space is. We reserve the right to remove people as we see fit, with no reason or explanation required.
I'm talking about what you find acceptable in rhetoric, without the context of public vs. private spaces. You find that calling for violence is inappropriate when you're in a position of authority, but when someone else is in a position of authority, you conveniently abandon that position. It's a classic do as I say, not as I do.
I know you're trying to mask a free speech argument, though you're not quite coming out and saying it, but that's problematic because the Supreme Court has affirmed that threats of violence are outside of the purview of the First Amendment.
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
No Will, that's not what I meant and you know that. For 8 years the Bush bashers called for his head on a platter, some making the same violent overtures that have been bandied about since Obama has taken office.
You say that people called for Bush's head on a platter, but they didn't do it literally. They didn't call for his assassination, implicitly or explicitly. They didn't call for violence against him. They didn't fantasize about murdering prominent conservatives. They didn't call for "Second Amendment remedies", or anything even close to it. You're playing the false equivalence game right along with Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck, and you're doing it poorly. Maybe consider your position when you find yourself shoulder to shoulder with Palin and Beck on an issue. It's simply untrue. All of these attempts to shift the blame evenly are about as subtle as a flying mallet.
Call them on their violent rhetoric or admit that you enable them.