Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Ha, ha, nice. Looking at contemporary Grecians compared to ancient Grecians is far worse than criticizing America's empire for being "lame" compared to their ancestors' British one. I mean, no one really talks about America's navy the same way. And you guys don't even have a king, or a Duke of Wellington laying the smackdown on Napoleon. You guys didn't even catch Osama bin Laden.
Ha, ha, nice. Stop trying to derail my point with unrelated historical fluff, smart guy!
Do the math with me, Baraka: Armies with pants > armies without pants. Men with pants > men without pants.
Pants doing manly things
Who conquered the Romans? Barbaric guys with pants.
Who stomped the Native Americans? European guys with pants.
Who turned William Wallace into the first Stretch Armstrong? Brits with pants.
Who invented machine guns, napalm, whiskey? Clever guys wearing pants.
Who wrote
Man on the Silver Mountain? Musicians wearing pants.
Who landed on the frickin' moon? Bold guys with giant brass balls in pants.
Cowboys, pirates, ninjas, werewolves, zombies, vampires: Pants.
Rangers, SAS, Delta Force, GSG-9, Mossad, SEALs, Boy Scouts, your father: Pants.
Who blew a load in/on your wife before you married her? Some guy in pants.
Guys without pants:
Neanderthal Man (got his ass beat down in evolution by the more advanced species that later invented pants)
Jesus of Nazareth (questionable carpenter turned "Messiah," crucified by men without pants)
Ru Paul (enough said)
Guys with pants:
Arnold Schwarzenegger (bodybuilding god, action movie actor, governor of California)
Chuck Norris (actually has his own brand of face-kicking jeans *roundhouse kick*)
Mikhail Kalashnikov (invented the preferred means by which men with pants kill other men with pants)
Come on, now:
Are you seeing a pattern here? Sure, a few guys without pants have done great things... but not nearly as many as guys with pants.
Originally Posted by Baraka Guru
But for the record, I'm all about clothes, even at home. However, I don't claim to need them; I just prefer them.
Oh, PM your address. I need to send you some frickin' flower print granny panties.
Originally Posted by The Notorious Sammy L. Clemens
Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.
Originally Posted by thedoc
I would agree with you except for societies conventions. Perhaps Plan9 is covering an inadequacy, can't wait to hear plan9's response.
This will seem even more funny after you've been at TFP for a while. Search for "smooth spot" on the forum for a few laughs.